Monday, May 4, 2009


With an extra day off for Labor Day, Kim and I decided to travel to Hangzhou. This old city has the largest freshwater lake in China. It was just a 5 hour bus ride to the lake and we were happy to visit here. Even though the lake was extremely crowded because of the holiday, we manage to get around the large lake the first day by bicycle. This was fun, but a whole story in itself! Buses, people, scooters, and other bikes made it a white knuckle experience.

We made it to many spots like the nursery, lotus view area, a pagoda, and other nooks and crannies. The second day we hiked through a tea village, which produces green tea. After enjoying a cup of tea and playing some Chinese card games we made it to a beautiful viewing area at the end of the trail.

We stayed in a dormitory style hostel with 3 to 8 other people. They ranged from Paris, Morocco, Austria, and America. Each night our roommates surprised us!!! A girl from America fell off of the top bunk! We plan on never staying in a dorm style room again. At least it only cost us 7 bucks each a night!

The great pic of Kim eating is actually at Papa John's! It was just like home, they even had the garlic-butter dipping sauce. We also ate at a Indian restaurant that had great Mango Lassi's and veggie curry. It was so nice to have a little of home. We also had some Starbucks our final morning before we headed for the bus station. Hope you all enjoy our pictures!

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